Case Study: NDIS and assistive technology for the home
Sep 10, 2021
Amy recently moved into her new home, which was on the whole accessible. However, to remain independent, she knew that she would need to modify her house. Safety and security was a concern as Amy lives alone, plus opening sliding doors and heavy curtains posed a daily physical risk. She was also worried that she wouldn't reach her emergency contacts if she fell and that they wouldn't be able to enter her property.
Intelligent Home assistive technology specialist, Doug, met with Amy and her NDIS representative to develop solutions to overcome the physical, security and safety concerns she was experiencing. They visited Amy's home and documented the issues on-site, which would form the basis of Amy's NDIS proposal.
NDIS Submission Process
The submission to NDIS clearly outlined the scope of work to be included in the project. Doug provided a copy to Amy, her NDIS representative and her relevant health professionals to ensure that everyone had a clear understanding of what outcome Amy should expect from the installation. In addition, Doug discussed the submission with the NDIS assessors to explain the technology and how the solutions would benefit Amy.
Doug made several suggestions for modifications to assist Amy and improve her ability to live at home. These included:
- Motorising the entry door, pedestrian gate and back door.
- Providing remote access, to both Amy and her emergency contacts, to the main entry and exit points in the home.
- Keypad/push to exit button access to the front door and back door.
- Full curtain control.
Doors and access control
Motorising Amy's entry, pedestrian gate and back door provides an additional layer of security in her home, plus it reduces her risk of injury while trying to open heavy doors. The keypads and push to exit buttons are easy to use and eliminate the manual handling of doors and locks. This security feature also ensures that Amy can choose who she will allow onto her property using a remote pedestrian gate and door release system. In addition, if Amy falls, her smartwatch sends a notification to her emergency contacts, who can come to her assistance by unlocking the doors using a secure app. As Amy lives alone, this is a critical integration that has increased her confidence and safety.
Curtain control
Amy had stopped using the curtains as they were too troublesome to open and close. Replacing her window treatments with a motorised and automated solution means that her curtains can be programmed to operate at set times of the day. Alternatively, Amy can open and close them using a smart device app or touchscreen in her home. This solution allows natural light into the house at Amy's control.
Smart home technology solutions have enabled Amy to overcome safety, security, and physical risks. In her own words:
"Considering all my needs has made the result very beneficial to ensure my safety and ongoing independence. Working with Intelligent Home's project management team meant that all tasks were taken care of, and there was one point of contact that was always responsive."
If you would like to meet with our Assistive Technology team, you can contact us on 6363 8744.
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