Assistive technology
Smart solutions to make homes more accessible and daily living easier.
Solutions for disability
Technology can lend a helping hand and improve the quality of life for people living with disability. Home automation systems that integrate doors, lights, airconditioning and security systems require less human interaction and are sophisticated enough to adapt and respond to the home’s environmental conditions. Automatically adjusting climate control, turning on and off lights at a particular time of day and ensuring doors are locked at night, not only offers convenience but peace of mind for family and caregivers. Control is simplified by using a centralised app-based system that can be used both at home, or remotely by family and caregivers. Devices can be triggered using voice commands, touch and movement sensors to allow for ease of use for those living with disability.
Limited movement or coordination
Tasks such as turning the lights on, opening blinds or adjusting the temperature of an airconditioner can be automated or triggered with voice control.
Sensory impairment
Intercom systems can assist with identification of visitors before allowing access and remotely opening doors. Audio systems and text notifications installed in key areas of the house can be linked to doorbells and phones allowing a visual alert in place of the traditional sounds.
Cognitive impairment
Families and caregivers can discretely monitor their loved one’s safety while home automation systems assist with carrying out day-to-day tasks.
We are a registered NDIS provider. Learn more about how we can work with you to increase your independence and achieve your goals.
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Solutions for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) projects
We specialise in customising packages for SDA projects. When planning designs for specialised disability accommodation, we consider the following:
• Entry and exit into the complex.
• Elevator access, calling and auto-floor transport.
• Entry and exit into occupants' apartments and rooms, including control of doors.
• Control of environmental systems within the apartments and rooms, including cooling and heating.
• Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) compliance for systems and participants, including design, supply and installation.
• General power outlet (GPO) and automation designs, including consultancy for automation compliance.
• Control of audiovisual systems, including televisions.
• Control of lighting.
• Control of window treatments.
• Site intercom, including control panels.
• Integrated and provisional cabling for apartments, rooms or the entire complex.
• Control elements including voice, switches, eye gaze, smart apps, blow technology and pressure technology.
• Basic automation calling to Onsite Overnight Assistance (OOA) and carers.
• Medically rated nurse call operators.
• Onsite Overnight Assistance (OOA) and carers emergency calling, including automation control of apartments, rooms and homes.
• Cloud-based remote control of access control and security systems for SIL and careering agencies.
Our teams consist of designers, installers, programmers and maintenance technicians.
Featured SDA projects
Our assistive technology specialists can customise assistive technology packages to suit your development. Our projects include:
Sana Living: Velocity apartments in Cannington
Sana Living: Multi-dwelling site with 10 plus 1 carer's accommodation by Amara in Booragoon
JFK Custom Homes: Multi-dwelling site in Cloverdale
MBA Residential: 10 Villas plus 1 carer's accommodation in Orelia

Solutions for aged care
When it comes to supporting ageing family members, you may consider using technology to help them stay in their homes longer:
• Your family members want to stay home as they age, but you want the security of knowing someone is watching out for them.
• You worry that something has happened when your ageing family member doesn’t stay in touch.
• You want a safety net for active and healthy ageing family members.
Smart home technology offers solutions for independent living with safety, security and comfort. Monitor your loved-one’s activity, such as how much time is spent in bed, in a favourite chair or out of the house. Using intelligent sensors to track and learn the home’s activities of daily living, a proactive monitoring system can identify anomalies that may signify a problem such as potential illness, falls risk and missed medications or meal times

Customer testimonial
"Thanks so much for the recent upgrade to the security system in our son's home. As you are aware, he is a vulnerable adult with an intellectual disability living in his own home. The upgrade to perimeter security has meant that he is safeguarded while at home. The external video surveillance cameras and the video activated door bell as given us the ability to know who comes and goes to his home without intruding on his privacy. This has been a life changing experience for us all, and all monitored through the easy to use app."